zombie escape

  1. Italian Doctor

    (Wrong thread) Remove ze_jungle_lab

    Sometimes a lot of people stay at spawn when all of the zombies have already taken the elevator and the votemenu doesn't cover everyone. Spending a while on this map is boring when we have to wait for the timer to finish because there's nothing to do.
  2. Italian Doctor

    Buffer overflow in net message

    I'm getting this message a lot while playing ZE. Other players are getting it too as the entire server's player count drops to 0/32 It's getting more and more frequent. I haven't played other gamemodes but I'll assume that they're not affected.
  3. Gamer4605

    Why do people dislike santassination so much

    I seriously do not understand this. Please explain. The entire server just rtv’d it and they refuse to explain why.
  4. Gamer4605

    New Fix “the truth” on santassassination

    Multiple people keep complaining over the true ending being impossible to reach. I have no clue why it’s broken or how to get there but I can confirm that it is never reached and everyone says it’s broken. If someone wants to state exactly why it’s broken go ahead.
  5. pax

    Santassassination Map Problem, Help please

    I have a problem when I play in this map and this problem is that I can't see the weird things that constantly jump and the reindeers and because of that I couldnt even go futher because I keep dying by something invisible, I deleted the map many times then get back in the map but the problem...
  6. Sir Trooper

    Already Done Balance the pyro in new ZE Server

    The pyro is way too OP in this gamemode. They have a strong push back force and the range is insane. Many players just w+m1 and its make playing as a zombie very tedious and annoying.
  7. ShiningLeviathan

    Place for Zombie Escape suggestions?

    I'm particularly fascinated with the new Zombie Escape Beta gamemode, and I'd like to make some suggestions, such as... Rock the Vote immediately switching to a new map once the map vote has passed What I call "Gate Areas" (rooms right before a door where you are kept in one place for a...