
  1. K

    New Mutes

    Add a ingame command or just whenever you chat, it tells you how long you have before your unmuted, or atleast tells you when you were muted, so you can just calculate from there on when you'll be unmuted.
  2. n3onxlpmitgurken

    Declined Add a !ignore for Chat.

    As Far as i know there is a command to mute people in vc (!ignore [username] - [UserID]) But altough if you muted this person in vc he still can type in chat. An Example: Someone is Insulting you very hard and you ignored him in vc. He still could be able do Insulting you and annoy you cause you...
  3. Timeeeey1

    Mute/gag overdue appeal

    Yeah hello, i got muted. understood it would be for 1 month, its been past that now not sure why. I admit i got a little talkative singing even, there where 3 guys constantly harassing me in voice chat what ever i said back to em they just ignored it and kept going. So eventually i started...
  4. E

    Self-Indetifying Black Bear Xevon (67%woman33#man)

    In Addition To The Appeal For My Communication Block 3 Day Mute: i'd like to include that i self identify as a xevon, we are dark skinned furrys and the black americans accept us into their community mainly for our ability to chop wood and harvest wild berries in the vast forests of Arkansas...
  5. FREE Skial

    Muted and Gagged without reason/notice[U:1:415053764] I can't find out why I was muted and gagged. This seems to have occurred between the day I applied for admin and the day it was declined. I looked in the reports section, but I couldn't find anyone who made a thread that wanted me muted or...
  6. B

    Asking the Admins for clemency on the issue of harrylermans perma mute.

    Harrylerman, a close personal friend of mine, was permanently muted from typing anything or saying anything. The reason for this perma-mute, is because of his persistent use of text to relay misinformation, to the players on the servers at the times in which he was in game. You see...
  7. Jojoban

    Muted and Gagged for no reason

    I've been muted and Gagged for unknown reasons, the 30 minute marked already passed. There was a failed attempt before but this mute happened a few days after, no vote. Is there any way I can appeal this? Or at least know where to appeal?