Blade D_Hero

Thats pretty much how people in my school treat women, not a day goes by I dont stop by a woman and compliment her hair. NOT A FUCKING DAY!

That is pretty weird man. I don't go up to random girls and say nice hair, clothes, boobs, etc. That is awkward for all the parties involved.

Blade D_Hero



Epic Skial Regular
one might argue that because of the fact you feel the need to compliment their hair, or do whatever includes going out of your way to take notice and pay them heed is counter productive in the realm of attempting to somehow promote some futile, moral bullshit about how they needed to be treated with more respect.

women most certainly don't need to hear that their APPEARANCE is suitable to YOU, or to anyone else

that's about as objectifying as a shitty rap song depicting them as whores. almost.


Epic Skial Regular
one might argue that because of the fact you feel the need to compliment their hair, or do whatever includes going out of your way to take notice and pay them heed is counter productive in the realm of attempting to somehow promote some futile, moral bullshit about how they needed to be treated with more respect.

women most certainly don't need to hear that their APPEARANCE is suitable to YOU, or to anyone else

that's about as objectifying as a shitty rap song depicting them as whores. almost.

Never tell your password to anyone.
Terdy10234: :|
~tuturuun~ MrFugets: :)
Terdy10234: You agree....
Terdy10234: With isil
Terdy10234: :|
Terdy10234: Isil is a condascending dick
~tuturuun~ MrFugets: Cool story


Australian Skial God
Isil summed up most of my thoughts already. If anything, some complete scum get respect they don't deserve. Why the need to make this thread? Go into any random server where there is a woman, call her a bitch or something and watch how fast you get attacked by 15 white knights no matter how obnoxious she may act. I think the question should be what happened to general politeness, such as holding doors open, helping some stranger with something really fast - that type of shit. It's not gender specific, people were just more respectful a long time ago.


Face-Melting F2Per
Lol the top comment for this video: (@ Fuget)

~Things I did today~
1.Bought Headphones.
2.Listened to this song.
3.Bought Headphones.


I think the correlation goes something along the lines of... the more a man is trying to get his penis touched by a [woman], the nicer he will be.

There's a lot of psychology involved in this, but let's stick with the dumbed-down version here.


Face-Melting F2Per
we get it

you're an old fashioned gentleman who listens to old music and does things the old fashioned way despite being a kid

Women are respected more than they ever were, despite the limited scope with which you see the world.

Take a moment to review rampant chauvinism that was present long before your father was probably even eighteen.

your approach is by no means a unique one. in fact, stopping to compliment every girl's hair will have you look creepy, despite how good you feel your intent to be.

stop trying so hard


Since I never go outside my apartment apart from the times I want a quick Subway sandvich or a joint I don't have to interact with women at all. There, woman-treating problem solved.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
ask ninja-dc how things change, he plays a lot with the name gurlgamer or josephineeee :D