
The 'casual' update has ruined the game for those who just wanna play TF2 casually.
I used to be able to join any server, any map of my choice. If I saw my friend online, I could be playing alongside him within a couple of minutes. Sometimes we would play together, sometimes challenge ourselves by playing against each other. We could vote different maps, kick hackers, switch teams, invite/join other friends... there was an incredible amount of freedom and versatility. A change of pace was only a click away. Above all else, there was *time* - time to play, time to fuck around, time to teach the noobs how each class works, time to chat to random strangers, time to make new friendships... this made TF2 so unique.

Now I have no choice of where I play or with whom. If I see my friend online, they're either waiting in lobby or already in game - I need them to personally invite me and then hope to be able to join within the next 30 minutes. Everything is timed, controlled and fucking *sterile*. Following an excruciating wait, you are allowed to play a very short *one* round of *one* map (I haven't seen Payload go beyond second cap yet) before everything is reset. Now you have to wait again to be matched to a new set of random strangers. It feels so boring and repetitive. All personality is gone, since you're constantly matching against new players, it's like playing MvM or something.

I am incredibly saddened and disappointed. This isn't like Valve nerfed by favourite class or added some shitty cosmetic. This update has literally destroyed the way the game is played, from the very foundations up.

The only way Valve can salvage this situation is to bring pubs back and leave MatchMaking as an *option*, alongside pubs. Even split MatchMaking into Casual (12v12) and Competitive (6v6, stricter rules), **but free-to-join pubs need to remain in the same server capacity as before**.

Removing pubs has effectively removed the one reason why most of us play TF2.

(Before you have a go at me or say something like, "Stop complaining" and "It's actually fun", just remember that we don't have a choice. I can't just choose not to play MatchMaking, because it has replaced the most popular game mode. There is nowhere to go back to. And no, 24/7 Skial servers really don't cut it.)

Author: cross-joint-lover