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Legendary Skial King
Helped me hide they body. 10/10
Can you stop bumping this app with stupidities. I think every one in skial already knows about blades admin app. In the past there have been admin apps declined because of numerous people posting shit like this. Xel for example

Blade D_Hero

Yeah, it was about time I ended the app.

Reasons for retraction:
- TF2 is dull, I have basically stopped playing it, and now with the HL season over, my only excuse for playing it is over.
- I probably have negative activity on Skial anyways, because the only time I launched it was for a practice/game.
- My free-time on the weekdays is non-existent.

I'm hanging around on the forums and such, I'll still be around but don't expect me to launch TF2 for you, lol.
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