
Australian Skial God
Got this when downloading that tool in chrome:
BlueScreenView touches the registry and works with memory directly. Most likely that's why Chrome considers it to be a malicious software. However, Nirsoft is extremely reputable source with hacking tools.
I'm old fashioned and have WinDbg installed. I have people send me their dump files and I analyze them that way.
The only reason I suggested BlueScreenView is that it has user-friendly interface. Users like OP won't be able to read WinDbg's (which I'm using too) output as easy as BlueScreenView's output.


Australian Skial God

Scan Statistics:
Scan Time: 1 seconds
Scan Targets: C:\Downloads\
Total items scanned: 5
- Files & Directories: 5
- Registry Entries: 0
- Processes & Start-up Items: 0
- Network & Browser Items: 0
- Other: 0
- Trusted Files: 0
- Skipped Files: 0

Total security risks detected: 0
Total items resolved: 0
Total items that require attention: 0

Resolved Threats:
No risks have been resolved

Unresolved Threats:
No unresolved risks
