
I hate how Skial Trade turned into Firepowered 2.0

It used to have personality. Low tier traders had a place to get rid of stuff for fair prices and even the high tier traders were pretty cool too. Making it from 32 to 64 players had to have been the greediest and dumbest mistake Bottiger has done for Skial.

It turned into Firepowered, but with a mountain of unusual trades and a lot of people talking over one another in voice chat. Most of the server are afk players that just stay in spawn the whole time and oftentimes hordes of snipers that make it impossible to leave the spawn you're in.

It used to be fun to play on there and talk with everyone. At this point there's no reason to. The sense of an actual community genuinely felt non-existent the last time I got on.

I miss how it used to be...

Author: blindwanderer23