Maple Syrup

Uncharitable Spy
Took some time to get this update done.

//Version 1.3.5 Update//

Changelog - Version 1.3.5
Ability cooldowns have been adjusted.

*Global cooldown has been reduced from 3 sec - 1.5 sec.

*Demo Shield
-Cooldown is now 65 sec instead of 80.

*Supportive buildings
-Cooldown is now 45 sec instead if 60

*Scouts Cola
-Cooldown is now 65 sec instead of 75.

-Cooldown is now 60 sec instead of 85.

The following abilities have been buffed.

-Now deals an initial dmg of 80 instead of 50

*Rocket Launcher
-Now deals 82% less dmg instead of 85%.

TFCSoldier V1.3.5