
Spectacularly Lethal Soldier
Currently DK and Demopan are quite hard to win as. I think these 2 needed their buffs more than any other boss. So here it goes.

Donkey Kong:​

Donkey Kong is slow and his rage is underwhelming. These buffs are made to somewhat combat these issues.
  • Buffed his speed from 290 hu/s at a max of 360 hu/s to 320 hu/s and a max of 380 hu/s. It should be fast enough to catch to everyone except for scouts and demoknights.
  • I also buffed his mouse3 boxing fist ability so that his fists are even faster from 30% swing speed to 80% as the drain is quite fast. On top of that, i reduced the minimum amount of rage to activate it from 75% to 50%. The description also tells you how to use it too.
  • His cannon ball explosion is now 50% larger.
  • And lastly he can no longer exploit dropping his strength power-up.


Demopan is also slow but thats pretty much it. His charge burns through his rage as 100% rage will drain in 5 seconds of charging.
  • Demopan now has full charge control and 200% turning control. He pretty much has the booties and the tide turner. Since his charge burns through his rage and he cant stun for most of the round, i made it so the charge has more power to it as it might be easier to charge kill enemies. Demopan is already slow at 285 hu's so might as well make his only form of mobility good.
  • Changed his health formula from (((750+n)*n)^1.02)" to "(((700+n)*n)^1.04)". Going from 20k hp for 20 reds to 22k+ hp for 20 reds.
DL: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ywtoagav88v6c7z/Boss_buffs.zip/file
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