
Legendary Skial King

wtf mode why you so fun, also made my game crash when i tried to control all of them


Legendary Skial King
It looks as if their whole team was pretty horrible.

It wasn't that they were horrible it was because I won my lane which was mid, outlevel their luna by 4 around 15 min in, then i proceeded to roam around and ambush top and bot lanes which in turn shut down the other players and allowing my team to snowball further especially our antimage who was beating their void in terms of gold and exp. Both void and antimage need a lot of farm and items to be useful, so killing void or preventing him to farm safely ensured us a more easy win


Jailbreak Moderator
It wasn't that they were horrible it was because I won my lane which was mid, outlevel their luna by 4 around 15 min in, then i proceeded to roam around and ambush top and bot lanes which in turn shut down the other players and allowing my team to snowball further especially our antimage who was beating their void in terms of gold and exp. Both void and antimage need a lot of farm and items to be useful, so killing void or preventing him to farm safely ensured us a more easy win
Their team comp also has no competent stunners with only omniknight to support. So all their lanes look really weak compared to the bane on your team.


Legendary Skial King
Setup: Teamfight happen at top, my team wiped while i was farming bottom, they kept complaining about sniper, so....


Kairi (work)

Unremarkable User
Im barely mid but last time I was, it couldn't have been easier. There was no mid from the other team so I could easily farm and take their tower down. xD