• Please go to our Discord or SteamRep for trading. Bans and appeals go HERE


Somewhat Threatening Sniper
I see alot of posts on this forum with suggestions, improvements, reports and that kind of stuff.
Lets make a diffrent post for a change.

Thank You.
yes you! why? because you are awesome!

Hackers are inevitable, however everytime i come across a hacker, there is admin stand-by on discord that jumps in and helps to deal with.
Its admin's like these that help make the servers great.
Thank you!

I've had some minor issues with the donation rewards, however after a quick chat on discord, everything was done to improve these issues.
A great staff lays the foundation to a great community.
For this i Thank you!

Playing videogames can get frustating from time to time, everybody has dealt with it at one point.
However i notice that players in this community really stick there heads out for one and another.
Its great players like these that add great value to the community
And also for this i Thank you!

Because i dont want to make this post to long, im gonne sum it up for you:
Skial Players, Community Members, Admins and Other staff members. All of you. You are awesome. Never change. Because you are damn beautifull.

Spread the love<3