
  1. Hadntpills

    Declined Suggestion about a new NY Parkour server.

    Replace it with a EU server! 90% of all players i've seen have ping above 100-150, because... all the sweats are from eu:troll: But really, majority of the "pro" players come from the EU server, so carrying this server over from NY to EU would be very helpful for the gaming expirience.
  2. GoldSrc

    Remove the Scout from Team Fortress 2

    The Scout should be removed from Team Fortress 2. This is coming from a Scout main, and I believe the sacrifice would be worth it.
  3. Orthros

    New VSH2 - Stat Changes for the Scout

    The new Skial VSH2 plugin is an interesting one. That in mind, I feel that a lot of the new changes are over-powered or under-powered and should be properly tweaked. I plan to go over the weapons for each class and their stats to suggest potential changes - if any - to them. Below are my...