
  1. Mr Invincible

    Declined new donate payment option

    so this is my third attempt at making a suggestion. the first one even though it doesn't say declined i know it is. the other one was declined and so this is my last attempt at making a suggestion. anyways here is my suggestion my idea is to make a new payment method that allows people to use...
  2. Godzilla fan for life

    Question for Admins regarding Idle server and perks of donating

    So over the past couple of days I have played on the Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade server and have ran into something that I think should either be changed, removed, or fixed that has really annoyed me. That is the donation perks you get, which are specifically the speed (have scout speed for every...
  3. [Ξʜ] NorthernLight

    /hat command don't works

    Hi! I donated and i tried the command /hat but it says "Cannot find your hat. If you are wearing a hat, please report this problem." i tried: /hat 10 black thanks :- )
  4. Antamania

    Resolved Issue with donation

    I recently re-donated again. I'm getting "server is full" errors when trying to connect to the server. Don't think I put anything in wrong, but it's entirely possible, would appreciate someone looking into it. Thanks! ID: '][U:1:35387848]