Recent content by pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

  1. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Declined Plugin Suggestion: Teleporter Prioritizer Just coded and finished this plugin today. credit for the IDEA of this plugin goes to Meowcenary. This plugin let's a server operator prioritize what class can take teleporters over other classes standing on the tele. By default (can be...
  2. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Declined Plugin Suggestion: Teleporter Filter

    Finally, someone that didn't post cancer. Just for that, I'm coding your plugin idea. I'll be back with the result
  3. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Declined Plugin Suggestion: Teleporter Filter

    Only on Skial does being an annoying micspamming get you the same treatment as a rapist... a fair argument except I already mentioned that I put in extra precautions to prevent this. The limited blocking percentage can be adjusted by server operators. Just because the default percentage is 50%...
  4. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Declined Plugin Suggestion: Teleporter Filter

    alright genius, make a better plugin suggestion/idea and I'll go do that..
  5. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Declined Plugin Suggestion: Teleporter Filter

    alot smarter than anything you've made... Even if it's dumb, it's no excuse to be rude...
  6. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Declined Plugin Suggestion: Teleporter Filter I'm suggesting a plugin that I made just yesterday. the Tele Filter plugin; let's you block teammates from using your teleporter either by name or by class. I know what you're thinking: "what about trolls/griefers?" I've added an admin...
  7. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Invalid Appeal: pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Alright, i'll make you a deal. I'll code for skial a sourcemod plugin in exchange for removing my punishment completely.
  8. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Invalid Appeal: pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Yes it is because what defines spam? Is Skial's idea of spam playing/saying the same sound wthin a span of 1 second? 5 seconds? 10 seconds? Again, it's very vague. If the rule flat out said "NO Micspamming", then we wouldn't even be having this discussion. looking back at the rules "These...
  9. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Invalid Appeal: pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    also, what if I ask the server population if I can play sound clips from the mic and everybody says yes then an admin comes on and silences me despite the population's general agreement?
  10. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Invalid Appeal: pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    and I respect that BUT what the rule is considered spam is very VAGUE... The only mention about spam from the mic is concerning music; because of this, almost anything could be interpreted as spam by any admin's interpretation. Which leads to cases of admin abuse like this one...
  11. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Invalid Appeal: pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    voice clips from youtube poops are still voice clips, unless you think they're music... secondly I did not spam them, their purpose were for comedical effect which you interpreted as 'spamming'. You pretty much abused your admin powers. I should also like to mention to whoever reads this that...
  12. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Invalid Appeal: pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Link to your ban or your com block: Why should you be unbanned or unblocked?: Here's why I should be unsilenced. Firstly, the "no spamming" rule is very vague when it comes to the mic. The only clause that...
  13. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Invalid Appeal: pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    I probably connected after such a vote was polled because I do not remember there being a prior vote on muting that kid. I picked the racism option by accident when I intended to put spamming as the reason. can I have my mute removed now please?
  14. pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Invalid Appeal: pbDEV Nergal le Ashurian

    Link to your ban or your com block: Why should you be unbanned or unblocked?: Because I feel that I was unfairly muted. The context is that I was on the 24/7 goldrush server; during my playtime there, there was a...