
Mildly Menacing Medic
Griefing and abusing donator privileges
Player Name:
2FORT+ | EU | Fast
Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
tardmagnet13 was griefing in the way that he would put teleport next to dispencer, so people would teleport on battlements and get sniped.

I asked in chat is there any admin here. He decided to abuse his donator privileges and vote to gag me because of racism. Last time I was on Skial server I got vote baned because I didn´t heal some player (I was medic)

So this is not first time someone of donators is abusing his powers. Makes staying on server less pleasant, so I decided to sign up on this forum and let admins know.



Thank you.​


Australian Skial God
Votemenu is available to non-donaters as well, in case you didn't know, the command is /votemenu.

Anyways, an admin should take care of your report ASAP.


Australian Skial God
I'm sorry but this isn't enough evidence that he abused the votemenu. Recording demo's for false votes is advised as we don't know if you said anything racist over the mic, and you didn't provide any evidence that he was griefing at all. If you don't know how to record a demo this thread will help.


Mildly Menacing Medic
How do you have in mind I should make a demo? I mean, if I knew he would do this voting, I would start making demo, but I didn´t know.
Anyways, I really hope you will keep his steam id in your database for the future notice.


Australian Skial God
How do you have in mind I should make a demo? I mean, if I knew he would do this voting, I would start making demo, but I didn´t know.
Anyways, I really hope you will keep his steam id in your database for the future notice.
Don't worry this report isn't going anywhere, and something I do when someone in the server has a history of false voting is just start recording the demo as you get in the server.