Gaben's Own Aimbot
Downloading now, because I'm drunk in the morning and felt like it.
WHO HAS IT?!?!?!


I have to admit that I do kind of miss the CoD gameplay, but NOTHING will EVER replace CoD 1 and 2. NOTHING.

Cowboy Crow

Australian Skial God
Who cares if you play CoD. If you play you play. I play World At War (because the games fun and the community alot nicer) But we are allowed to play TF2 and CoD, It's kinda annoying how people explode over CoD if you play TF2.

Blade D_Hero

Hey guys, we made two new weapons, put a new skin on some of them and added two vehicles. Don't ask about the maps, everyone loves a classic.

We'll call it Black Ops 2.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
I am not joking when I tell you that this new horseshit gimmick they decided to put in is making me legitimately hate this game.
ZERO fun. I went through it several times, using all the fucking tactics I want and all the DM against the bullshit bots that I want, and this is literally the bane of me playing. I'm not joking when I say I wish I didn't buy this piece of shit game.
Fucking garbage.


Face-Melting F2Per
I'll probably only play Zombies, it was the only thing I've ever liked from the CoD series. I might play the campaign but most likely not. I definitely won't even go near the multiplayer



6.5 Million copies sold in 24 hours generating 500 million in sales in those 24 hours.
Just watched 11 random videos on Youtube and the internet and ALL of them gave it between a 8.5/10 and 9.5/10 in reviews.

Yup, sounds like a big shit mistake Treyarch made. :seriously:

Like any other game, people will have it's followers and it's haters. Kinda like me with ANYTHING with a "i" in front of it. I am 100% anti Apple or Macintosh. Doesn't mean they don't make a good piece of machinery, or have the right "tekkies" working for them. It's obvious they do with the $$$ those fuckers rake in. Even with a stupid as fuck mini ipad thingy.

Personally, I LOVE it. At least, for the next couple months. :D