
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Hey guys I am trading my LoL account for CS:GO skins, as I no longer have an interest in playing LoL.

Here is some information about the LEGENDARY account.

It's level 30 (duhh)

It currently has 183 RP and 4987 IP

It's only missing 8 Champions (Bard, Rek'Sai, Gnar' Braum, Zyra, Galio, Varus og Sejuani).

Rare / Unavailable Skins:

Red Riding Annie,
Pirate Ryze,
Zombie Ryze,
Pharaoh Amumu,
Zombie Brand,
Championship Riven,
RIOT K-9 Nasus,
RIOT Squad Singed,
PAX Jax,
Snow Day Singed,
Underworld Twisted Fate,
Victorious Elise,
Toy Soldier Gangplank,
Headless Hecarim,
Traditional Karma,
Red Card Katarina,
SKT T1 Lee Sin,
Shamrock Malphite,
Victorious Morgana,
Bewitching Nidalee,
Sasquatch Nunu,
Mr. Mundoverse,
Highlander Tryndamere,
Traditional Trundle,
Marble Malphite,
Executioner Mundo,
Infiltrator Irelia,
Almost-prom king Amumu,

and several others.

Normal skins:

Spirit Guard Udyr,
Nunu Bot,
Dunkmaster Darius,
Corporate Mundo,
Blood Lord Vladimir,
Blackfrost Anivia,
Aether Wing Kayle,
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV,
Tyrant Swain,
Steel Legion Garen,
Soul Reaver Draven,
Sad Robot Amumu,
Mecha Kha'Zix,
Mecha Aatrox,
Pool Party Graves,
Full Metal Jayce,
Battlecast Vel'Koz,
Battlecast Urgot,
Arcade Miss Fortune,
Woad Scout Quinn,
Winged Hussar Xin Zhao,
Warlord Shen,
Surfer Singed,
Special Weapon Zac,
Silverfang Akali,
Shockblade Zed,
Runeguard Volibear,
Rocket Girl Tristana,
Rumble in the Jungle,
Reverse Annie,
Reaper Hecarim,
Primal Udyr,
Pool Party Renekton,
Pentakill Olaf,
Pentakill Mordekaiser,
Night Hunter Rengar,
Ninja Rammus,
Nemesis Jax,
Muay Thai Lee Sin,
Masked Shaco,
Mafia Jinx,
Lord Mordekaiser,
Justicar Aatrox,
Jurassic Kog'Maw,
Jade Fang Cassiopeia,
Jade Dragon Wukong,
Ionia Master Yi,
Infernal Alistar,
Ice Drake Shyvana,
Hyena Warwick,
High Noon Yasuo,
Headhunter Rengar,
Full Metal Pantheon,
Dragonslayer Vayne,
Debonair Jayce,
Dark Valkyrie Diana,
Darkflame Shyvana,
Dark Crystal Ryze,
Cottontail Teemo,
Charred Maokai,
Celestine Soraka,
Bloodfury Renekton,
Blood Knight Hecarim,
Bladecraft Orianna,
Bittersweet Lulu,
Arctic Ops Kennen,
Sweeper Alistar,
Striker Lucian,
Northern Storm Volibear,
Little Knight Amumu,
Fiddle me Timbers,
Captain Volibear,
Tango Twisted Fate,
Tango Evelynn,
Sewn Chaos Orianna,
Royal Shaco,
Royal Guard Fiora,
Pre-Void Kassadin,
Pharaoh Nasus,
Lil'Slugger Trundle,
Karate Kennen,
Bioforge Darius
og Ruthless Pantheon.

Ward Skins:

Season 3 Victorius Ward Skin
and 2014 Victorius Ward Skin.

The account has almost all runes only ones that are missing are useless ones for example energy per sec. and runes like that.

The account has 9 rune pages.

The account also has some "Rare / outdated" summoner icons that are no longer obtainable: www(.)gyazo(.)com/e236eb53abfeaeac25e12e1f466dbaea

S2: Unranked.
S3: Gold.
S4: Platinum.
S5 / Now: Platinum.

As the title says, I am interested ONLY in CS:GO skins or money, and not trading for other accounts.
I will be able to tell any information about the account IF you were to get scammed later on and need to recover it, as I am the original owner of the account.

Have a nice day, even if you aren't interested. :)