
What's the deal with the community server "Uncletopia?"

Hey all!

I almost never post on Reddit. However, I just had the weirdest experience in my life in the TF2 community and I came here to ask if other people have had the same issue or problems with this server.

I see it's listed under suggested servers on the TF2 Reddit. I've also had a few friends invite me to play there. So here's where things get... WEIRD.

I went to play there once awhile back and noticed I already had a ban from those servers. It said "Toxic player. no appeal"

First off, I'm not a toxic player in the Team Fortress 2 community. Unless you count the hackers and bots and the trolls. I'm rude to them sometimes, but generally... and especially on community servers, I'm pretty chill. (Pun intended!)

(I did once have an altercation on "Skial" a long time ago, when an admin was spamming the N-word at me and I confronted them on the forums, using the same word back at them. I was drunk at the time and I've been sober several years now. I apologized to the skial admins there, and to this day I am allowed to play there. So that's really the only "toxic" thing I've ever done. But has NOTHING to do with Uncletopia.)

So, I kind of let it go for awhile since I assumed it was a fluke or something. However recently I decided to go to their Discord channel to ask for some help. I was directed by a moderator there to talk to another moderator named camp3r.

He said he replied to my appeal on their website, which explains that I've NEVER even played on Uncletopia before. Their OWN WEBSITE shows this.

The moderator camp3r linked someone else's profile, a known troll in the TF2 community that has personally attacked me before in the past. While I think the guy is "blessedviva" -- a super racist Twitch streamer that used to stream, I'm unsure of who they actually are, but that's my assumption. (He's known for calling people the C-word and N-word often.)

Right now he's trying to harass a Twitch streamer called icemanwest. (Which I was a huge fan of, before he went berserk and banned most of his audience because a bunch of people were trolling him like 3 years ago.)

It's very clear that this person is a troll and likes to impersonate other people. Including myself at one point.

He then started talking about how I was talking on another place called TF2DB. Which I don't even know what that is and have never joined that Discord, nor do I know how to find it.

So, already I'm super confused at what this guy is talking about. Clearly this person has me confused with someone else.

They then left me with a super cryptic message and denied my appeal.


At this point, I have no idea what this guy is talking about. Who are these "associates" he's talking about, also... What actions towards others?

Again, I have NEVER played on the Uncletopia community, ever. Never ever. Even their OWN WEBSITE confirms this, as I'll link evidence below. (Minute about 5 minutes of gameplay on a server that apparently didn't have ban restrictions on them. Which was recent while trying to connect to their servers on 2-22-24.)


As you can see, I've only "played" recently and I have no other match history at all. My ban was prior to this date.



It says I was "banned" on 2021-11-29. However, as you can see, I've NEVER PLAYED ON UNCLETOPIA SERVERS BEFORE. So how on EARTH could I be banned in 2021? The only record of me playing on ANY server, which again was a fluke, was on 2-22-2024.

The moderator camp3r ignored me for 3 days, until I tried contacting the original moderator who assisted me. They told me that "mod shopping" was not allowed, which I don't know what that means but I guess it means not talk to more than one moderator?

So I asked in their #questions Discord what was going on, and this random guy says this:



It turns out he IS an admin at Uncletopia. But I've never talked to this guy in my life. He started out super hostile then says he "already talked to me" on an "alt."

I have no other alts, and I've never talked to him before him MY LIFE. Like I said, I'm new to Uncletopia. Also, what is the other server? Did I get the wrong Uncletopia server?


I then tag him in the #general chat on Discord, because the #questions Discord had "Slow Mode" enabled. He continued being super hostile and started telling me I was "playing dumb" when I'm LITERALLY GIVING ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION THAT I KNOW!!

How is that "playing dumb?" At this point I'm thinking they're confusing me for someone else... but that shouldn't be possible because I only have one Steam account, and they must have some sort of records and IP loggers to see both SteamIDs and IPs to know that I've only got one account.



So like, more random moderators and the "everyone" guy start being wicked rude to me and accusing me of lying and another guy accuses me of cheating, which I've NEVER DONE IN TF2 IN MY LIFE. I also absolutely HATE cheaters.

I even wrote Gabe Newell personally to get him to pay attention to the cheating problem.

I absolutely love Team Fortress 2.


I am completely baffled. Is this normal on Uncletopia? I've got a lot of questions here...


* If I have never played on the Uncletopia server before, how come I'm banned from it?
* Why are they accusing me of having an alt and keep linking someone elses profile?
* If they're aware the profile they are linking is known troll in the community, aren't they aware that's CLEARLY NOT ME?
* Why are they being so hostile to a person who has never played on Uncletopia?
* Can't they see that my SteamID and IP address is quite different from this random person they think is me? (Who is clearly not, since they are KNOWN TO IMPERSONATE PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY THEY'RE DOING IT TO ICEMANWEST RIGHT NOW.)
* Why are they being dismissive, and who are these "associates" they're talking about?


Has anyone else had such a BIZZARE encounter on Uncletopia? From the looks of things, I'm not sure why people would even want to play there if this is the behavior of the server. I told someone my story in a Team Fortress 2 casual match, and someone else had also told me that Uncletopia had banned them for playing Trolldier once.

I can't verify their story... But...



Is this a joke? A hazing ritual? Is there something specific I have to do to please these people?


Let me be clear, it's not even about playing on these servers that I'm so upset about right now. It's more or less the fact that clearly someone over there either has some personal vendetta against me personally... OR... They're confusing me for the account they kept linking.

Which, honestly, could be cleared up in 2 seconds if they would just verify my IP address and take a look at my Steam profile.

If anyone else has any similar experiences, I'd like to know.

Like I said, never really go to Reddit that often. Especially the TF2 reddit. TF2 is a cesspool of trolls. But if a community that's supposed to be really friendly is acting LIKE THIS then I'm very confused.

Especially towards a person who has never played there before?


Any help would be appreciated, or feedback. I'd just really like to know if anyone has had a similar experience on these servers.

Author: IceSage