
Mildly Menacing Medic

I'm a kinda newbie :D

Only 90 hours played but am a dedicated gamer in other games such as SC2 < 9,000 hours played etc..

I joined a trade server by accident as i meant to click on the 1 above and as you do i stopped posting asking if anyone would like to trade.

Surely enough a rather nice fellow comes along (who ended up giving me a Dead Cone Hat for free :D)
I was talking to him for about 25 minutes, according to him he's a full-time TF2 trader, he sells/buys items and games and then sells them for money after he's built up a rather large amount of objects.

He reckons he makes over $350/Week by spending around 50 hours a week on the game itself.

I did have a peak in his BP afterwards and did see 7 buds and a couple bills hats which total'd around $300 as well as 2 other pages filled with hats.

Just wondering if he was trolling and if it is plausable to be a full time trader?



Server-Clearing Cynic
Dear Charlie,

You lost WW2, get over it.

With love,
The community you wish to be accepted in~


Mildly Menacing Medic
Livin' the dream <3

Plus guys, don't forget that steam codes and Spiral Knights/Portal 2 gear have been opened to this opportunity as well. Valve just kicked the digital item economy up a notch.


Server-Clearing Cynic
Dear De el Pierro

I don't know why you are referencing Todo, but I do infact enjoy the Wizard of Oz and their book series. I hope that congress passes their new marriage law so that you and your life partner Mitch can finally be more than man and male hamster.

Deepest regards,
Captain Spankbottom


Mildly Menacing Medic
I think CompassCall is 1 of those people who has nothing better to do than spread his misery in life across the internet to unsuspecting forums and people with a life.
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Sufficiently Lethal Scout
I calculated you could make about $6/hour selling humble indie bundles ( for a scrap assuming one trade every minute.


Server-Clearing Cynic
However I doubt your credibility will rise when people realize you ridicule people with autism. I've already sent valve photos of the abuse and i expect your steam account to be blocked due to such vulgar harassment against such challenged people. I'm sorry you lost the war but that is no excuse yo belittle your own people.