Scarcely Lethal Noob

I'm looking for serious offers. I decided to sell this account, because I got bored after 5 years of playing LoL and with my limited amounts of time I prefer to play other games like CS:GO or WoW.

This account has never been banned and I've never got any chat or ranked restrictions.

Server: EUNE (I have free transfer to NA available on my account)
IP: 12398
RP: 343
Current Division: Platinum V
Rune Pages: 8 with 189 good runes
Icons: 55 (some not obtainable anymore)
Champions: 111 (missing mainly newer ones, because I rarely play now)
Ward skins: Fist Bump Ward and Season 3 Victorious Ward
Skins: 81
Some of them are unobtainable and some are legacy - available only on rare occasions.
You can see that these are not only cheap skins and some of them are really rare right now.
PAX Sivir
Championship Thresh
Riot Blitzcrank
Riot Graves
Riot Kayle
Riot K-9 Nasus
Victorious Elise
Victorious Janna
Victorious Morgana
Foxfire Ahri
Nurse Akali
Unchained Alistar
Golden Alistar
Hextech Anivia
Blackfrost Anivia (Legendary skin)
Frostfire Annie
Amethyst Ashe
Apocalyptic Brand
Sheriff Caitlyn
Nightmare Cho'gath
Jurassic Cho'gath
Urfrider Corki
Mr. Mundoverse
Rageborn Mundo
Royal Guard Fiora
Tundra Fizz
Dreadknight Garen
Vandal Gragas
Arcade Hecarim
Dragonslayer Jarvan
Full Metal Jayce
Bilgewater Katarina
Judgement Kayle
Unmasked Kayle
Karate Kennen
Mecha Kha'zix
Reindeer Kog'maw
Prestigious LeBlanc
Dragonfist Lee Sin
Steel Legion Lux
Coral Reef Malphite
Assassin Master Yi
Samurai Yi
Arcade Miss Fortune
Cowgirl Miss Fortune
Candy Cane Miss Fortune
Lord Mordekaiser
Dreadknight Nasus
Bewitching Nidalee
Ravager Nocturne
Bladecraft Orianna
Myrmidon Pantheon
Dragonslayer Pantheon
Ragdoll Poppy
Full Metal Rammus
Crimson Elite Riven
Mad Scientist Singed
Warmonger Sion
Lumberjack Sion
Snowstorm Sivir
Pentakill Sona
Crimson Elite Talon
Emerald Taric
Panda Teemo
Rocket Girl Tristana
Riot Girl Tristana
Traditional Trundle
Viking Tryndamere
Tango Twisted Fate
Kingpin Twitch
Butcher Urgot
Arctic Ops Varus
Arclight Varus
Heartseeker Vayne
Leprechaun Veigar
Marquis Vladimir
Tundra Hunter Warwick
Volcanic Wukong
Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
Imperial Xin Zhao
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