Uncle zägä

Positively Inhumane Poster
Evidently, one of the main characteristics of Touhou music is the two-step drum beat, typically called the "putta puputa" because that's pretty much exactly what it sounds like.


Uncle zägä

Positively Inhumane Poster
No artist had ever used a 4/4 time signature before, and putta swept through the musical community like a tsunami.


Uncle zägä

Positively Inhumane Poster
However, when other artists would've quit at that point because they'd have thought to have reached their potential, ZUN's creativity didn't end there; he went on to pioneer variations such as the slow putta.


Uncle zägä

Positively Inhumane Poster
Critics said he went too far when he made a track without putta, and the experiment was never spoken of again.


Uncle zägä

Positively Inhumane Poster
Eventually the trend grew to a point where it had to be contained: UN placed restrictions on putta, issuing the policy "never go full putta".



Uncharitable Spy
My biggest question is why is this in the Anime section, but I'm alright with what appears to be a touhou music thread.