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TF2 Admin
Servers Turbine+ US 1

Time Zone CST

Link to your stats page

Playing time on Skial servers. Not TF2 total. 100 hours minimum. 1232

Will you get mad if you lose admin? I won't be mad if I lose my admin.

How do you ban yourself for "obvious aimbot" using your own SteamID?

Please read the guide here
I agree

Anything else you feel like saying
My name is Luigi123, I have a steam level of 11. When I first came on Turbine Skial server, I happen to enjoy playing on Turbine US 1 and wanting to play over and over again.

The reason I'm applying for Admin is I have a good amount of time on Skial and I am a fellow member of Skial. I joined Skial on Jun 11, 2014. I'm always active everyday, but most of you will say this question as to why I left Skial 2 years ago and the reason is that I have been keeping myself busy doing with some school work as I move into college and which is why I have not been on TF2 from then til now. I am most friendly person on playing Turbine US 1. I don’t get upset easily during the game since it is unprofessional and if I just got killed, I just accepted. I believe I should be an Admin because of my active play time on Skial after I came back here and always have a good knowledge of following rules to make a good judgements and because I am friendly and welcoming yet can still be formal.

If someone has a problem with a ban or a mute or silence, I can work it out politely to explain it to them of a reason and finding a resolution to ensure they are understanding the rules to not let it happen again.

Thank you for your time reading this and have a nice day.

sm_ban "#[U:1:102587414]" 0 "Obvious Aimbot

I am on my mobile phone and I wouldn’t able to put that answer into the sm_ban question.
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