Lonex Shade

Scarcely Lethal Noob
Time Zone:
CT America/Canada, I'm usually on around 1700 to 2200 on weekdays and 1200 to 2200 on weekends. I'm also mostly in contact at all times with the most active players on the server
Link to your Stats Page:
Playing Time:
284:28:19 (07:52:20 AFK)
Will you get mad if you lose admin?:
Not at all, I'm always up for a logical reason.
How do you ban yourself using your own SteamID?:
sm_ban "#[U:1:84443901]" 30 "obvious aimbot"
Any other reason you should be admin:
I'm just a tf2 gamer who cares for the well being and fun of others. I mainly want to apply to help out dealing with stressful chaotic situations or obvious spin/ddos bots. I have a lot of friends and people on the server who want there to be more moderation (which have been recommending me to apply for a while now) and my friends who do help moderate the trade server feel like they could use the help too, I'm more than happy to do so to support the server.​


Scarcely Lethal Noob
+8 Known them since 2014. They've proven themselves a leader time, and time again being capable of handle just about any situation to keep the peace with a strong, and cool head. Used to admin IdleServers, and nowadays enjoys themselves spending their time reliving the nostalgia of TF2, and continuing the chain of players by guiding noobies into the spotlight. No one else would be as suited for this role better from my own firsthand experience.


Scarcely Lethal Noob
+1 Honestly a very open minded individual. fair, and can be alot of fun to play with :innocent: