
Mildly Menacing Medic
Time Zone:
UTC/GMT -3 | Active from 8am to 12pm every day
Link to your Stats Page:
Playing Time:
137 hours
Will you get mad if you lose admin?:
No. If I do lose admin, I'm pretty sure there would be a valid reason.
How do you ban yourself using your own SteamID?:
sm_ban "[U:1:253248508]" 30 "Obvious Aimbot"
Any other reason you should be admin:
I'm quite active on my reports. I want to be able to deal with simple things like racism in chat, griefing and/or friendlying faster. I hope I don't have to come across more serious situations like cheaters, but I will do what I can to make the game more enjoyable and fair to this community.​


Server-Clearing Cynic
Your chat history on Skial is unimpressive. It seems almost passive-aggressive and taunting to the players you are with, egging them on or basically calling them bad players.

You claim to be active on reports, you have indeed made 6 reports (which after 4 years on Skial is again, unimpressive), but the bigger issue I have with your reports is, I couldn't help but notice they were all made within a month of your admin app, almost like you had even less than you already wrote and needed to beef it up a bit.

You hope you don't come across cheaters but that is actually 90% of the job, in the reports section. You'll come across them frequently if you do what you signed up for.

Your app has no depth, it's largely unimpressive and could've been written by my 6 year old niece.

-1, sorry bud. Complete lack of effort on your part.


Mildly Menacing Medic
Understandable, but let me try to justify myself:

1. Yeah... Believe me, you'd get a little pissed if they kept killing you over and over again with an OP class and you can't do anything about it. I'm gonna try to behave better in the future, and only then make another app.

2. I stopped playing TF2 and got back around the end of last year. I rarely played on Skial before I came back this year. That's why my reports are all recent.

3. I didn't say that I don't want to come across cheaters. I'll do what I have to. Sorry if that mislead you.

4. Well, I'm terrible with essays, so I couldn't do much better here.

Again, understandable. I'll try to do better next time.