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Positively Inhumane Poster
Starting my first forum post it's ME, headful, with an interesting question to pose to the members of the skial community: what would happen if skial gathered the best talent that it possibly could and formed a competitive highlander team?

What is Highlander anyway?
Well, simply put, Highlander is 9 vs 9, with each team only having 1 of each class. It puts an interesting dynamic in to the game where the answer to capping a point is no longer "need more demospam", or when you're trapped in spawn on dustbowl, you can't just get a few more medics and be fine. It's the type of game meant for team cooperation and class coordination. And it's quite a bit harder that your average granary.

I believe that with the talent here on skial, we could but together quite the team, capable of whooping some ass on the American highlander league, UGC.

What I'm curious about is this. If we were to form a team, who would play what? To answer that question, I've come up with a few things that would make you eligible to consider yourself "good enough" for competitive play:
  • would you have time enough to contribute to a team?(i.e showing up for practice sessions, not missing matches, etc.)
  • How good are you at the class you want to play compared to EVERYONE else on skial?
  • Why are you the guy that should be playing on this team anyway?
  • Are you a "team player" or a "play-maker"?
  • would you get along with everyone else on the team? (Team chemistry is important)
  • What skills in particular can you contribute that no one else can as well as you to make the team better?
On this thread, post who you are, the class(es) you would like to play the most or think you can do the best job at, and the answers to some of those questions, particularly the ones why you would make a better individual member of the team as a whole, and maybe, JUST maybe, we can form a kickass highlander team after all.


I would like to apply for the medic position. I realize that there are probably better medics then me. But it is clearly the class I am best at and I think I can make a significant contribution as such.
  • would you have time enough to contribute to a team?(i.e showing up for practice sessions, not missing matches, etc.)
Honestly, I have no job as of now. I have nothing to do. I would welcome some sort of scheduled practices right now.
  • How good are you at the class you want to play compared to EVERYONE else on skial?
I don't think I can really answer that question. I don't know every person on Skial that medics. I think I do a fine job, but I cannot really compare myself at this time.
  • Why are you the guy that should be playing on this team anyway?
Because I'll take it seriously. I'll do what's necessary to get us the "W". I won't treat this as a fluff exercise and I know my class backwards and forwards.
  • Are you a "team player" or a "play-maker"?
No one who plays medic is a "play-maker". If they try to be one, they picked the wrong class.
  • would you get along with everyone else on the team? (Team chemistry is important)
I have played organized sports before. I realize that sometimes egos can run up against each other, but I will do my best to keep any past feelings toward anyone in the vault.
  • What skills in particular can you contribute that no one else can as well as you to make the team better?
I know when to distribute heals and when to "Pocket Medic". I know how to spy check and when it's appropriate to whip out the syringe gun. I know how and when to uber. I'm aware that the medic's uber can sometime's mean the difference between victory and defeat. Though proper use of the uber is a matter of communication. Being a medic is a matter of communication, which sometimes frustratingly lacking in public servers. But I think in a more focused environment, I can be a true asset to your team.

Thanks for considering me.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
I was thinking of this a while back.
Spy or scoot, obviously. Preferably scoot.
I could do demo very well, but someone else will absolutely want that slot.

  • would you have time enough to contribute to a team?(i.e showing up for practice sessions, not missing matches, etc.)
Yeah, no problem.
  • How good are you at the class you want to play compared to EVERYONE else on skial?
Only one close to me at scoot is ArF, I believe. Although I haven't done spy as often as before, I did win Skial's Best for spy (and scout, so fmeh).
  • Why are you the guy that should be playing on this team anyway?
I'm good, I am known for my callouts and plans of action. Although my "constructive criticism" may taint my tactical side more often than not, in a competitive setting (US29, namely), it's non-existant.
  • Are you a "team player" or a "play-maker"?
Play maker, I would say, but I'm definitely a bit of both. A third of the reason I use Mad Milk is to extinguish teammates from fire, etc. If the team can nab enough cooperation, I can absolutely sap a nest effectively alongside a push as a spy.
Other than that, I'm known to be a medic killer - knowing when to not be an idiot, evade whoever the medic is healing and to take him out. I'm excellent at spy checking as a scout as well.
As a spy, I'm not going to be an idiot and risk blowing my cover to kill one lone sniper in the face of a sentry or their team like an idiot. If I see a push, I am very quick to call it out.
  • would you get along with everyone else on the team? (Team chemistry is important)
I've got a lot of Skial friends. Not so much enemies anymore, but whatever. I can get by with whoever whenever I need to,
  • What skills in particular can you contribute that no one else can as well as you to make the team better?
My callouts, my effectiveness, my concept of strategy, and I can aim well - as scout or spy.
Although some people might have better K/D's at scout and spy, I am on the front lines and always backing my team up effectively when I am able.
If I can get some training in, I can do much better at competitive games - knowing when I can and can't take on a certain group of people; work on my aim a tiny bit more; etc.

I'm known as Skial's competitivefag around here, so let's get this goin'.


Sufficiently Lethal Scout
If you're going to form a professional team, then for it to be effective enough, we have to all have mics for good communication. Learn callouts, specific positions, and tactical advances/defenses.

I suck at TF2 because my FPS is low. And because I just suck.


Sufficiently Lethal Scout
  • would you have time enough to contribute to a team?(i.e showing up for practice sessions, not missing matches, etc.)
Yes - Not really. I can be AFK at times.
  • How good are you at the class you want to play compared to EVERYONE else on skial?
I am sure I am in the 3-5s on soldier. Not sure on everything else. I am also good at most support classes
  • Why are you the guy that should be playing on this team anyway?
Because I can?! jk Cuz nobody likes to be medic, I find it enjoyable and fun. If theres nobody in the medic slot. Pick me.
  • Are you a "team player" or a "play-maker"?
Team Player all the way. I always stick to the objective at all times.
  • would you get along with everyone else on the team? (Team chemistry is important)
Sure I would.
  • What skills in particular can you contribute that no one else can as well as you to make the team better?
Move more than you shoot, rocket jumping to escape + to hurt the enemy near you or to get a better view of the situation and attacking from above... etc.


I should also point out that I have 1100+ hours logged on this game.


Australian Skial God
Just saying, this won't work. Very few people in our community have any sort of grasp of tactical positioning or strategy, and most of us just aren't good enough. Think about it, most of us play DUSTBOWL as our main map. And bitching about the other team isn't particularly helpful and would probably be what a majority of us would end up doing.


Legendary Skial King
For the practice games you need opponents, I apply to be a training partner : )


Wicked Nasty Engineer
talk to the people who you know are pretty good. (and if you don't know then go stalk around hlstats)


Just saying, this won't work. Very few people in our community have any sort of grasp of tactical positioning or strategy, and most of us just aren't good enough. Think about it, most of us play DUSTBOWL as our main map. And bitching about the other team isn't particularly helpful and would probably be what a majority of us would end up doing.

Turn alltalk off. Problem solved.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
I'm going to offer my input on the classes and potential candidates.

ArF is the only Skial regular that I would toss off the scout slot to. I can see him having the dedication, but a very large part of scootery is callouts to your team - since you can get places first and get out quickly. He doesn't have a mic, and I haven't heard him ever do a callout. We're about on-par when it comes to aiming, but he isn't a front lines guy. I mainly see him doing the flank-work. I'll only give up the position of scout if we do NOT have a good spy.

Soldier is a tough one. I hope you're good at it, Dark. No one stands out to me at all. No one does the vanilla launcher and shotgun, rocket jumping, moving quickly, tactics... Everyone around here is a ground-shooter. No one who could do the fast rollouts on Badlands or whatever.

Pyro would be Airakah. She can reflect basically anything, knows basic tactics and can do spychecks very well.
After that - personal opinions aside - Anya is good. We would just need to get her to get down airblasting and shotgun usage a tiny bit more during practice.

Not sure on demo either. Not too many people stand out to me. I would say Grabvoski, but he would be exponentially more valuable as an Engineer.
Sigh... I hate to say it, but if she's up for it, Samochka I guess would be good. Some eurochick who played comp and only plays demo. [Shrug]

Heavy... Heavy, heavy, heavy. CreepingDeath is a decent heavy (if there are any BA DUM TSS). I would prefer Genocide, our old heavy who actually did league games, but he's been lost at sea for forever now.
Gator would be good, but I don't know if he would be up to this.
Scrambles is going to come up. He can play heavy well, but honestly, I will only play with him on my team if he is muted.

Engineer is Grabovski. Not up for discussion. :P

Medic would be either Airakah or... Uh... No idea. I'll see who applies.

Sniper is Zebs, Photek or Gator.

Spy is.. Uh... BadGuy is gone, Ghosty is out of the picture, and everyone else is a passable spy. I'll check if anyone else comes up. [Shrug]

Also, along with Classy, yes, this will not work. ;D


Face-Melting F2Per
I made a thread about this a while back - search "UGC League", although I don't think there's maybe enough talent or interest around skial; if this does take off though I'd like to apply as backing scout giving CiNiC the prioity here.

- would you have time enough to contribute to a team?(i.e showing up for practice sessions, not missing matches, etc.)

yes, 25% to 50% of the time working around college hours (bear in mind, u.k. college, different from US college) However, the +5 hour difference in the u.k could be a problem which is why I''m applying aş backing scout.

- How good are you at the class you want to play compared to EVERYONE else on skial?

I would say I'm in competition with arf and cinic aş mentioned. I'm very intrested in the competitive scene looking to improve my skills from top competitive players and looking to be a backing scout in a good ESEA highlander team to learn the rollouts, gamesence and other things. arf and cinic are probably better than me though I've only been playing since may, and miissed a few months due to a broken computer. I think its say to say I think I've developed my skills faster than them, no harm intended.

- Why are you the guy that should be playing on this team anyway?

I'm well known around skial forums and the dustbowl server when I'm playing to relax.

- Are you a "team player" or a "play-maker"?

I would say I'm a play maker although I understand team players are more important somewhat so I'm trying to achieve that e.g. got a Mic now, calling out spys, ubers and advantages.

- would you get along with everyone else on the team? (Team chemistry is important)

yes, it shouldn't be a problem. I don't aggrievat people on purpose.

- What skills in particular can you contribute that no one else can as well as you to make the team better?

Theres not too much I can put here though I definately could say I know alot more about about comp. play than others right now due to my interest aş well as watching alot of mid-, mid, mid+ frags and demos of people an example being I can get to mid point badlands quicker aş a demo than scouts.

By the way, headful you shouldnt take into account the play of me trying to tuant sandman kill you aş I was just trolling and it was something like 2-3 in the morning. aslso I wrote this on my cell phone so don't mind any spelling and lack of bullet points.

Hope you take my application into consideration.