
Since I Can Speak My Damn Mind, I'm Deciding to Talk About The TF2 Community
It's shit. Absolute shit. All they talk about nowadays is how rich they've gotten by making profits selling overpriced weapons and hats. They don't talk about the damn game anymore. Before all these hats and keys and shit, we had actual game play not interfered by some random shit bragging about how "Amazing his Autralium Sniper Rifle" is. We had people talking about what to do next round, and bragging at the end of the round about how their team is better.

I also hate the community servers. How Admins can mute me just for jokingly saying "piss off" to my friend. How people can pay to get an advantage in the game. How I have to spend 1 minute of my life watching ads EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I join a community server. Also, why the fuck do I have to see a watermark every time I play on community servers? I KNOW I'm playing on skial, or some other shitty community server. I don't need to be reminded constantly that I'm playing on skial, or some other community server.

Also, speaking of community servers, I hate their forums, How 90% of Ban Appeals never get seen and how most of the suggestions are denied because they can't code for shit and their's no plugin to do what the suggestion's asking for.

I also hate SteamRep. Why the fuck did I get a ban for "scamming"? Oh yeah, I traded with a trader (unknowingly) that traded me a scrap for 2 weapons. Why the fuck do the Admins get to scam 24/7? Why the fuck do Admins get to break rules? I get banned for being an "alt" of a scammer? Wow, I was just trying to play TF2 while I'm at StarBucks or some other shit.

Well, I guess TF2 is a dying game after all, the community has to die out eventually, but damn, I didn't know it all had to come to this.

Hate if you want, I don't care. I don't care if I get banned for my "harsh language"

Author: StickSupreme