
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Hello guys,

here I'm selling / trading my Season 4 Challenger Account on EUW!

He was first rank in 5v5 Challenger and Master in Solo/DuoQ last season.
Actually it got 16 Rune Pages all 125 Champs and around 200~ in value of nearly 800 Euros acknowledged by the support!
Currently its dropped to Platinum 1 cuz if inactivity!
Skin List: scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/11694339_918692328173986_140092671_n.jpg?oh=f8cb1d29cd146587df851ea67693fe03&oe=5599265B

Actually 163 Skins!

I'm will trade it against Cash and CSGO Skins or only Skins or Only Cash!

Prefered looking a mix of these weapons (Not all!):

M4A4 Howl MN
Huntsman Knife Karambit

Cash offer + Skins offer

Would like to have offers in minimum of 400€!


Picture of my Account from last season! :)
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Scarcely Lethal Noob

Prefered trade:

AWP - Hyper FN / MN
AK - Aqua FN
Huntsman Knife Fade
P90 Asi - FN


M4A4 Howl MN + Hunstman Knife Fade

Or offer me in nearly the same value!