
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Player Name:
Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
I was doing my normal thing when fockoroni said "heavy boxing for 10 ref" I came and we played and when I won he first said more then one game but he did not specify that before. then he stated he had no items worth that when we checked his backpack.tf however we found he did. he then left the server and chaged his name then came back. he did that again before just joining with his normal name and just mutes me when I told him to pay up. he then would insult me and even went to my profile and commented insults. I have no video or screenshots to prove but I have three people who can give their testimoney that i am right.

after this he then said a few different things.
1) that it does not count as a scam.
2) that he was joking about betting.
3) that he won and i scammed him.
those three testimonies can prove these three things wrong. thank you for reviewing this.​