
Scarcely Lethal Noob
*QUICK SALE DEAL* if you buy at least 2 items at once, and its not already at an even recs worth, ill round it down to the nearest ref or the nearest rec: e.g. ill round 4.11 ref worth down to 4, 4.55 down to 4.33 and 4.88 down to 4.66......... OR if you buy 3 items ill knock off a rec
  • dirty last breath~6ref/2keys 1 ref
  • dirty itsy bitsy syper~3.66ref
  • shooter's sola topi painted with color 216-190-216~1.55ref
  • genuine bolgan family crest~2.33ref
  • genuine anger~4.55ref/1key 2ref
  • value of teamwork x2~2.33ref each
  • cream spirit~1.88ref
  • waterlogged lab coat~1.44ref
  • balaclavas are forever~1.55ref
Also, I am looking to trade items(check out what youd like from my bp, items not limited to the ones for sale here), keys (currently have 9) and metal (currently have 5.33) for a strange machina; Check out my backpack -> Steam Community URL:

please add me as a steam friend and we can trade when we're both in game

note: not all items have been discounted

items sold so far:

boston boom bringer, liquor locker, appartchicks apparel, team captain and laugh taunt


Somewhat Threatening Sniper
'Fraid not, those things are very expensive O.O

These are the items I was looking hat. They may not be for sale, but if so, I'd like to see about buying them off of you:
Strange Revolver
Genuine Company Man
Deus Specs
Strange Bazaar Bargain


Scarcely Lethal Noob
'Fraid not, those things are very expensive O.O

These are the items I was looking hat. They may not be for sale, but if so, I'd like to see about buying them off of you:
Strange Revolver
Genuine Company Man
Deus Specs
Strange Bazaar Bargain

i cant say any of those items are on the market