
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Link to your Steam profile:
Your 64 bit SteamID:
Link proof of your playing time (30 hours on our servers required):
When are you active? What timezone?:
5pm-2am (GMT+7)
How do you tell if someone is aimbotting?:
Clear indication of constant headshots/tracking of players when spectating the accused player.
When is it ok to use god mode?:
Only when dealing with an issue between players or a group so you don't get killed by trolling players.
When is it ok to give items?:
Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"?:
Nope that's childish
Anything else you want to say:
I used to own my own ARK PVP server so i know how to deal with toxicity. I joined this server 7 months ago but was not very active, right now it's my main server and will be from now on. I'm number 6 for hours played on the server. People in chat have been complaining about admins not being active so i will try and change that.​
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