
Sufficiently Lethal Scout
Similar to how people can join the forums using steam, make it so that the Discord can only be joined by signing into steam first.
This would bring various benefits:
  • No raids
  • Keep morons out
  • Self admitting cheaters can't get away with their admission of cheating
  • If someone pulls a stupid in the Discord, it won't be anonymous anymore
  • Possibly have skialbot do a thing so that admins can see what a user's steam account is, and possibly various other things like bringing up a user's sourceban history URL via command for when they ask "why was I banned?"
  • Additional click to join the Discord server
  • Not idiot proof, may confuse some people (Not really sure if this is a drawback or not, depends on how you view it)

How it would work:
Discord provides a API function to "join servers on people's behalf". A previous server I used to administrate used this method and we had great success with it.
If a oauth token is granted `guild.join`, a PUT request can be sent to `/guilds/{guild.id}/members/{user.id}`. Provided the oauth token has permissions for that guild, the user will join that guild. Importantly, the following headers MUST be set: `Authorization: Bot <token>` and `Content-Type: application/json`.


No it is too complicated and will be a huge barrier to entry.

Also even though we only host games from Steam, this wasn't always the case and hopefully not always the case.