
Wicked Nasty Engineer
Name PolarBlade, uxiedust, let that sink in, goobus

Summary Bypassing the "N" word


When did this happen? April 6 @ 10:45pm

Which server did this happen on? 2FORT+ | NY 1 ████

Any other information
I included the names of those involved and admins can review/decide to the extent of evidence provided below,

The pretext began with PolarBlade verbally saying "negatory!" to which Joe baseball asked if he used the "N" word.

Evidence -

This lead to some other players in trying to/or not conceal the aforementioned verbal comment made, knowing the "N" word is prohibited on our servers by texting the following,

The admins can decide which of the players have been deemed to have bypassed the "N" word

*fictional character though I'm not justifying how he applied his comment to previous "verbal" comment made



TF2 Admin
I reviewed this with another admin and we agree that this does not cross the threshold for racism. One reason is that the word "negatory" is a real word relating to the word "negative" with no racist meaning. The other reason is that "nega chin" appears to be a fictional cartoon character according to an internet search. I also do not see racist context around the usage of these words.