Pizza For President

Uncharitable Spy
Sexism and harassment.

Player Name:
Overkill John Cena!


Tonight, between 10pm to 11:45pm, central time.

2FORT | LA | Fast

Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
I'll start from the beginning, right? A few weeks ago John was SCREAMING over people in the server, so I told him to shut up and let other people talk. He already doesn't like me so he yelled at me, called me a cunt, a whore, many other explicit names but when that was happening I didn't have a rig to take demos of incidents. Since then hes gone out of his way to mute me every time I enter a server hes in, or even when hes joining after me. Never fails that he notices this, and points it out, and starts up some rants about my period, vagina, or something else completely outlandish. Keep in mind he never hears anything I say, so what might make him say these things? Nothing. I have never given him a legitimate reason to act this way towards me. Other people can vouch for me, or even have recordings.. I honestly don't know or expect anyone to speak on my behalf, given during these incidents I have literally no one standing up for me. Granted I don't mute him and ignore my issue, but that doesn't mean he will stop saying these horrible things. I won't deal with it, so I will keep recording everything he says until something is done. I have a few recordings, not nearly as bad as some things he has said, but they were said and were out of context.

I went out of my way to find the times he had spoke about me, I will list them under the link.
44 seconds to 54 seconds.
6 seconds to 20 seconds.
0 seconds to 14 seconds, 33 seconds to 40 seconds, 2:57 to 3:01, and 12:35 to 12:40.

Thank you for watching and taking consideration.


Somewhat Threatening Sniper
I am a very frequent player on the same server and can verify that the above is accurate. It's inappropriate and will continue unless dealt with.