One Lunch Man

Uncharitable Spy
I doubt any of the commando grade weapons will be traded up in strange quality for quite some time, months perhaps, Once one does come into existence, I would like to have this thread up as a "Direct him/her here if you happen to know who possesses it when time comes around"

The item is a Strange Factory New Top Shelf Minigun, and by name alone, does not appear to be rare at all. And I suppose by statistics, it isn't. a 25% chance to get it by trading up 10 strange mercenary grade factory new weapons from the gentlemanne's collection.

Suppose I'll put the math out here:

Links for reference:

Current stat clock price on market: Grade Stat Clock

List of non-strange Gentlemanne civ grade factory news on market:[]=tag_Rarity_Common&appid=440#p1_price_asc

10 strange gentlemanne civilian weapons = 1 strange freelance usually non obtainable

10 strange gentlemanne Freelance weapons = 1 strange mercenary usually non obtainable

10 strange gentlemanne mercenary weapons = 1/4 of the commando grade stranges in the gentlemanne collection. Also usually non obtainable.

A total of 1000 (10^3) civilian factory new stat clocks, 1000 Civilian factory news from the collection, Potentially mulitple tries.

I will offer 800 keys, potentially more, when and if the time comes that someone makes one of these. They will be purchased at that time, but for now, I suppose putting the news out is all that can be done

One Lunch Man

Uncharitable Spy
Genuinely wonder if this will ever come into existence without me doing it personally, not trying to bump, but I don't think I've ever come across a more-stupidly hard-to-make-and-obtain commodity in my tf2 experience, getting the #1-20 sharp dressers were easier