
Scarcely Lethal Noob
IP : 3633 (4 IP WIN Bonus)
RP: 75
Some unique Icons.
Normal Wins : 1041

Platinum 2 26LP (demoted from plat1)


+ SKT Ward skin and Season 3 Victory ward skin.

all champs except from : Ekko, Darius , Yorick, Mordekaiser , Skarner.

12 Rune Pages!

Runes Marks:
+0.59 Ability Power x9
+1.3 Armor Pen. x4
+0.95 Physical Dmg x9
%1.7 Attack speed x8
+0.90 Armor pen +0.61 Magic pen x9 (this is 1 mark hybrid ap/ad pen)
+0.87 magic pen x9
+0.91 Armor x9

+0.59 Ability power x5
+1.0 armor x9
+0.43 Physical Dmg x7
+8.0 health x9
+3.0 Armor at level 18 x1
+24 health at level 18 x9

1.2 Abilty power x8
+0.70 armor x9
%0.64 Attack speed x3
+0.83 Cooldown x6
+1.3 Magic Resist x9
+0.33 Mana regen /5 x9
+3.0 magic resist at level 18 x9
+3.1 Ability Power at level 18 x9

+5.0 Ability power x3
+4.3 Armor x1
+2.6 Armor Pen. 2x
+2.3 Physical Dmg x3
%4.5 attack speed x2
+1.0 gold per 10 x3
+26 Health x1
%1.5 lifesteal Bonus x2
+2.0 Magic pen x1
+38 mana x2
%1.5 move speed x3

I won't go first, I am looking towards 400$ of CSGO Skins maybe little lower when good state.
I recently stopped playing LoL (played lesser and lesser) I now play in a csgo team which I love doing !

Contact me , PM
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