
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Hello, I would like to trade my LoL acc for skins in CS:GO. The reason is because I lost feeling for playing this game and it's already boring for me. I don't know how much should I ask, I spent on this game like 150 €. Write your offers and I will consider them.

Account info
Server: EUNE
Division: Diamond V
Normal wins: 1214
Rune pages: 19
Summoner icons:

Champions not owned:
  1. Azir
  2. Bard
  3. Brand
  4. Darius
  5. Diana
  6. Draven
  7. Galio
  8. Gnar
  9. Heimerdinger
  10. Karthus
  11. Kennen
  12. Malzahar
  13. Maokai
  14. Mordekaiser
  15. Quinn
  16. Rek'Sai
  17. Renekton
  18. Rumble
  19. Sejuani
  20. Shyvana
  21. Swain
  22. Syndra
  23. Talon
  24. Urgot
  25. Vel'Koz
  26. Viktor
  27. Vladimir
  1. Unchained Alistar
  2. Red Riding Annie
  3. Panda Annie
  4. Heartseeker Ashe
  5. Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
  6. Boom Boom Blitzcrank
  7. Definitely Not Blitzcrank
  8. iBlitzcrank
  9. Riot Blitzcrank
  10. Victorious Elise
  11. Striker Ezreal
  12. Frosted Ezreal
  13. TPA Ezreal
  14. Spectral Fiddlesticks
  15. Dreadknight Garen
  16. Hired Gun Graves
  17. Hextech Janna
  18. Fnatic Janna
  19. The Mighty Jax
  20. Vandal Jax
  21. Traditional Karma
  22. Deep One Kassadin
  23. Judgment Kayle
  24. Mecha Kha'Zix
  25. Monarch Kog'Maw
  26. Reindeer Kog'Maw
  27. Prestigious LeBlanc
  28. Traditional Lee Sin
  29. SKT T1 Lee Sin
  30. Valkyrie Leona
  31. Iron Solari Leona
  32. Sorceress Lux
  33. Candy Cane Miss Fortune
  34. Mafia Miss Fortune
  35. Ghost Bride Morgana
  36. Victorious Morgana
  37. Snow Bunny Nidalee
  38. Pharaoh Nidalee
  39. Bewitching NIdalee
  40. Headhunter Nidalee
  41. Haunting Nocturne
  42. Dragonslayer Pantheon
  43. Scarlet Hammer Poppy
  44. Silent Night Sona
  45. Armor of the Fifth Age Taric
  46. Bloodstone Taric Super Teemo
  47. Championship Thresh
  48. Riot Girl Tristana
  49. Muskeeter Twisted Fate
  50. Red Card Twisted Fate
  51. Blight Crystal Varus
  52. Dragonslayer Vayne
Maybe I forgot some of them :D
I think that it is everything that could interest you, but if it is not write me :)

steam: imnoobsvk1
skype: imnoob-svk