
Epic Skial Regular
*Insert lengthy and unnecessary 5th grade interpretation of why they should oppose/legalize marijuana here*
I honestly don't have any preference towards marijuana.


I don't really mind either, I just wish it would be legalized so that kids would stop using it as a way to show that they are a rebel of society.
And I also think it's highly hypocritical of the U.S. to penalize it after they seeing how they wouldn't even be the country they are today without growing hemp back in the days.


Also, Ruelel, :

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Gaben's Own Aimbot
Also, Ruelel, :

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I feel almost lucky to live in Washington (state, not D.C.), people are actually pretty cool and tend to be open minded about marijuana


Spectacularly Lethal Soldier

that way we'll become equally or maybe even more productive and conducive twards national success as Amsterdam!


Epic Skial Regular
From what I heard, marijuana can actually improve worker productivity at the cost of their intelligence. Crime rate with marijuana is also lower compared to alcohol and other drugs.


Spectacularly Lethal Soldier
From what I heard, marijuana can actually improve worker productivity at the cost of their intelligence. Crime rate with marijuana is also lower compared to alcohol and other drugs.
I'd bring up how the mexican drug cartels would gain even more power from increased demand for their drugs. But I fear that this thread will degrade into a flame-war.

so I'll leave it that before I enter a state of:yuno:


I'd bring up how the mexican drug cartels would gain even more power from increased demand demand for their drugs. But I fear that this thread will degrade into a flame-war.

so I'll leave it that before I enter a state of:yuno:


Truly Feared Pyro
Legalizing weed will never happen in the states. First and foremost the amount of money made off fines and surcharges due to drug related charges is astronomiical. Granted the government could make money off of taxing pot, but it is not a feasible way to pull us out of this deficet. Just because something is legal, doesnt mean people will pay taxes on it. There will still be MANY illegal grow operations that promote TAX FREE weed. Also as a daily pot smoker i am against the legalization of pot for one reason. It will increase the price of a gram atleast 3 times. Pot has and will always be one of the poor mans drugs. To legalize it would turn in into something it is not.

Look at what we are doing to are tobacco smokers here in the states..... Does any half educated person really thing that pot will be legalized for recreational use?..... On the other hand.... My girlfriend has MS. She uses pot for symptom relief. It is legal here in NY to obtain a perscription of pot pills. They are extremly expensive, and most HMO's dont cover them. This in it self should show you why pot should not be legal.

I realize that there are allot of young people here who are advocates of legalization. I understand your point of view. But at the same time i think you should be worried more about where are country is headed, then wether or not you can get high legally while we are headed down the shitter. As a young person in America you will probably have no retirement, or any way of insuring yourself when you are at the age of retirement. We are headed in a direction of having to forget about the weak and the sick. Granted there are ways we can get are coutry out of this, but we need educated young people. That is the only hope. So forgive me if i have no hope for the future. Stop concerning yourself with stupid ideal's and open your eyes to what is really going on. Before it is to late.