★Major Pootis Steeljaw☆

Notably Dangerous Demo-Knight

I agree with quite literally. everything else in the rules, however. I feel as though this particular one is quite worrying.

I understand that playing music can be quite annoying, or harmful to the acts of others, but, I feel as though a middle-ground being reached would be awesome.

Will it be possible to, instead. Edit the rule so that " Playing music is allowed, so long as everyone within the server is okay with it. If somebody has a problem with it. Then they aren't allowed to play music, and are subject to gags, etc. "

And, enforcing the idea that the /ignore command and /votemenu + Gag commands exist would also help to improve the positivity of Skial. So that if they do not desire to listen to that person's music, then they can simply mute them.


Australian Skial God
Ikd. Suggestions have been pretty trash anyways. Just a soap box for us to laugh at terrible ideas.