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Mildly Menacing Medic
Toxic and transphobic behaviour

Player Name:


now (and prior)

Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade

Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
I regret having to do this, but at this point, I feel I have no choice.

This user has shown a long term pattern of toxic behaviour towards me. Normally I could and would shrug it off and ignore it, but more recently it has escalated to outright abuse - offensive slurs, encouraging others to kill me to "do good," references to suicide obviously aimed at ... encouraging me, and more. Some screenshots are in this Drive folder, to supplement the chat logs.

On top of all this, they have shown a consistent pattern of abusing donator perks to focus me - to levels that seem to approach hacking. Even under 100% invisibility using the C&D, they still "somehow" track me down every single time - and while Spy is certainly not my main class, it still stretches believability in my eyes. It's to the point where I recorded a demo, also in the same Drive folder.

I hate to evangelise in a report, but if there is not an explicit rule against this behaviour - I urge you to consider adding one. This is exactly the kind of toxicity that has killed people. I can rise above it - others may not be able to.


Mildly Menacing Medic
I'm hypocrite. All of this were taken out of context you should check the skial chat history. To give context, her claim was that trannies dont have higher suicide rates. I linked her an academic post and she went silent. That's why I called her happy tranny.

Now why I encouraged others to target her. B/c she is as always an anti spawn camper and sometimes stay in spawn to kill anyone that teleports to spawn.

I also used another user called abcdedex2 to sm_spec her.

Since she is spreading misinformation, I'd say false reports are mutable/bannable right? :)
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Legendary Mapper
I'm hypocrite. All of this were taken out of context you should check the skial chat history. To give context, her claim was that trannies dont have higher suicide rates. I linked her an academic post and she went silent. That's why I called her happy tranny.

Now why I encouraged others to target her. B/c she is as always an anti spawn camper and sometimes stay in spawn to kill anyone that teleports to spawn.

I also used another user called abcdedex2 to sm_spec her.

Since she is spreading misinformation, I'd say false reports are mutable/bannable right? :)
That is a lot of words just to say

"I'm a miserable person that takes joy in spreading hate and discriminatory speech online"


Mildly Menacing Medic
Again inconsistency. What about the Rape post where users were advocating rape I posted a while back?


Positively Inhumane Poster
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 07:10:29 PM abcdedex2 get rekt emma
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 07:10:04 PM hypocrite emma weak
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 07:05:28 PM hypocrite if yall kill emma doing good to this world
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 07:00:24 PM hypocrite lgbtemma
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:52:00 PM hypocrite emma trannies have high suiciderates
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:48:26 PM hypocrite strong and indepdent woman
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:48:18 PM hypocrite emma weak

Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:37:33 PM TacoSmasher5030 did i even kill him/her?
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:37:31 PM hypocrite she's f2m
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:37:20 PM hypocrite some happy tranny
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:37:14 PM Red Dead !items
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:37:13 PM TacoSmasher5030 whos emma?
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:36:55 PM hypocrite if you target emma funny stuff happens
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:33:16 PM hypocrite good time to target emmatranny
Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade 09/24/2020 - 06:13:48 PM hypocrite oh fck isit emma tranny whore

To give context, her claim was that trannies dont have higher suicide rates. I linked her an academic post and she went silent. That's why I called her happy tranny.

I did not find any link to an academic article. I did however, find an amazing amount of toxicity, childishness, and bullying directed not just towards Emma, but to several players spread out over time. At least you're consistent in your hate even if you can't remember the real context for what you said yesterday.

I don't find this kind of discriminatory targeting funny. I don't find it to be "in good fun." And I don't find your blatant lying and misdirection amusing. You said this shit. Making reports doesn't excuse your own behavior.


Mildly Menacing Medic
To be precise, the article was sent in the last time we met online on this server. You can check between specific interations between Emma and me for the past year. If you would like me to go to like 3 weeks ago, lmk. Idk how far skial chat history goes though.

Its not discriminatory b/c of transphobic, its b/c of two types of people I target:
1) Annoying kids on mic
2) People who stay in spawn to guard against spawn camping.

If you are able to integrate all piece of evdience rather than cherry pick, you'll see that Emma is cleary trying to "tranbait", similar to racebaiting.

Edit: Sad, the chat log doesn't go back that far. But long story short, last time, Emma and I met we were arguing about transexual suicide rates and she asked for proof. I gave her and then she said it wasn't an academic link. So i sent her a research/academia link showing that transexuals have higher suicide rates and told her about my experiences with trans people in real life. References to that previous chat are in the stuff you showed above.

The quote "if yall kill emma doing good to this world" was when she was waiting in spawn to kill campers and is 5 minutes apart from the lgbt quotes. The rest is just standard trashtalk conditioned of my current knowledge of her.
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