
Unremarkable User
Backed out of crab trade

Player Name:
Fury™ | Trade.tf




Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
We agreed to spycrab for my Tyrants Helm for his Backwards Ballcap, I won and we accepted the trade. then he cancelled the trade during the authentication step and tried to offer me a Tam O Shanter which is worth a lot less then the Ballcap. He then tried to say we agreed to a random craft hat. When I demanded him to give me the correct hat he just cancelled the trade, He already has VAC ban and Toochi said he also ran out on a crab with him yesterday. Please ban this guys so he doesnt continue to scam people. Proof of cancelled trade https://puu.sh/wVDTA/eae1b2ec00.png
Him losing the crab https://puu.sh/wVEjn/bf99fb7a5d.png
GGs https://puu.sh/wVEmd/4df83094d9.png
about 10 min after trade he still hadn't accepted https://puu.sh/wVEoK/8494b4ea3b.png

Then he continued to say that we agreed on a "random" hat. regardless of whether we did or not, when I won I accepted the trade for the ballcap. Then he cancelled it and chose a new "random" hat that he knew was worth less. I feel that even if we agreed on a random hat, if we completed a trade for a hat then thats the hat I won, not some other hat that he chooses afterwards.

Toochi claims that Fury also ran out on a spycrab with him yesterday, please dont let his scamming ways continue


Australian Skial God
Do you have a demo for evidence, as well as an agreement? If you don't then we cannot process this report.


Australian Skial God
I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do without visual evidence. He also offered a different craft hat to compensate and met the agreement as a whole, you refused it so the fault isn't his. I'm changing this to invalid.