
Scarcely Lethal Noob
I've noticed something rather irritating as honest player when playing as engineer, this is when placing buildings next to walls or on objects with limited spaces, is that my buildings disappeared when placed sometimes, and I get a small message about "clipping through map". Now I don't know why this feature is in place, I assume it is to prevent some exploit or something similar, however I believe this is doing more harm than good.

How is this?
This effects many honest engineers who knows a few tricks or likes placing things in corners. For example at the last point in barnblitz there is a pile of crates which a commonly used sentry spot, however the "spot" that you gotta place your sentry is very specific. Now this isn't an exploit, however this feature can and has destroyed sentries (sometimes pre-built sentries) which takes away all the metal put towards that sentry. Something like this can actually decide whether a team loses or wins, because perhaps the enemy is about to push into the building. Having that sentry there can easily decide if the game is won or lost right then.
A more common case can be with corners, I once tried to move my dispenser, I was going to place it in a corner; however the dispenser was lost because I was apparently "clipping through the map". Think a little about that, you have this level 3 dispenser all built up, go and move it then boom. It's gone, despite that what you were doing was in no way, shape or form "against the rules" or "exploiting", and so on. At that point, you're like facepalming yourself.

My rework suggestion...
It revolves around changing what happens when a engineer tries to place a building while the server detects that he is "clipping through the map". Instead of just making the building disappear, why not have the server shove the building back in the engineer's hands?

What this will do -
Well for exploits, this clipping through the map feature seems to be rather sensitive. The feature would still likely prevent whatever exploits or issues it was meant for.
On top of this, honest engineers who have no intentions of doing bad things will not be affected drastically. Sure, they will likely have a little trouble placing buildings in their usual spots, however their honest work would not be destroyed in a blink of an eye from a server feature meant to stop people from doing bad things.


Scarcely Lethal Noob
@Meowcenary (because I can't post links, such as the link that would appear in the reply)

So that's where it was. I was looking for such a section in forums - team fortress 2 - <section> (since this is probably specific to tf2), would explain why I did not find it. XD


Unfortunately I don't know of a way to put the building back in your hands.

This feature was made to prevent this exploit. I don't know if it has been patched by Valve yet. It blocks this exploit 100% of the time but unfortunately there maybe some false positives.