
Gore-Spattered Heavy
I know that Control Points EU was removed in early May, for reasons I am unsure of, perhaps because the server showed more average traffic compared to some of the other more popular servers. I now use the Valve Maps EU rotation servers to fulfill my Control Points cravings, regularly nominating control points maps; however, my nominations are usually unsuccessful as Valve Maps regulars favour plr_pipeline and so. Around early May, new EU servers were also added, such as Dustbowl EU3, Badwater EU3 and KOTH EU3.

I am a regular on the Skial servers, open to playing all game modes and maps and, although I have seen the new servers such as 2Fort EU3 often have a full capacity of players, servers such as Badwater EU3 and Goldrush EU2 have sometimes shown more middling player quantities, a little less or equal to traffic of the previous Control Points EU server. Skial servers only have two dedicated EU 5-Point CP servers: 5Gorge and Badlands, and although these are fun, it gets tiring playing the same map over and over again. My suggestion is that perhaps an emptier EU server could be converted into Control Points EU or maybe the next EU server created could be Control Points?

I realise that it is highly unlikely that my thread suggestion will be approved and I would just appreciate the Skial Admins/Moderators/whoever is in charge to consider my suggestion. Lastly, I apologise for the essay I have just wrote.


I agree partly, since the CP-servers obviously were unpopular I'd doubt that it would make a return any time soon. I do however want more CP servers which aren't flippin' Dustbowl.


Gore-Spattered Heavy
I like Dustbowl, I just don't like how it's got four Skial EU servers for it.



We only have 3 EU dustbowl servers.

And also there are plenty of CP maps being played on Valve EU servers.


Gaben's Own Aimbot

We only have 3 EU dustbowl servers.

you probably forgot the EU+


No I mean our Valve servers.
It's still not something you can play on constantly, like KOTH or Payload, instead I have to play on either unplayable Dustbowl, 5Gorge or Badlands. Dustbowl's has a skill ceiling the size of a heavy with pre-nerf Tomislav, and 5Gorge and Badlands are cool enough, but there are so many more control point maps to play. Freight, Granary, Fastlane, sweet maps but you barely play those ever. I have to agree with Smokey when I say I'd rather cater to better players rather than a bunch of heavies, soldiers and engys on Dustbowl. At least trying out some more CP maps would be nice instead of an excessive amount of Dustbowl, KOTH and Goldrush servers.


Just because you are tired of Dustbowl, 5Gorge, and Badlands doesn't mean the people who like to stick to the Valve Maps server shouldn't get their occasional fix.

If those maps really shouldn't be played, why did you fail to stop them from voting for it?

I would point out that the CP servers were the most unpopular by far, always being the last ones to fill up and the first ones to empty out almost every day, so saying that it is something that you can play on constantly doesn't mean much.


Just because you are tired of Dustbowl, 5Gorge, and Badlands doesn't mean the people who like to stick to the Valve Maps server shouldn't get their occasional fix.

If those maps really shouldn't be played, why did you fail to stop them from voting for it?

I would point out that the CP servers were the most unpopular by far, always being the last ones to fill up and the first ones to empty out almost every day, so saying that it is something that you can play on constantly doesn't mean much.
Check the server browser, now compare the amount of Dustbowl servers to others. The only maps that can be compared with the amount of Dustbowl servers are ctf_2fort and cp_orange. Should we change every single server to those maps too because they are popular? Clearly the majority wants to play on Dustbowl. Make every server host it, bingo, lots of traffic.

My point is, if people want to play Dustbowl there's a shitload of servers out there where they can play it. Skial servers have more than room to cut down on at least one Dustbowl server, I mean, there's 4 European Dustbowl servers already. As I said above, we don't need a new Control Points server, doesn't mean we could have more one-map servers. Take one Dustbowl server, put one Control Point map on it and let it be for 1 month, see where it leads. That's only a suggestion though, I have no idea how hard it is to implement maps on a server so if the process is too hard then I'll rest my case.


Gore-Spattered Heavy
I understand that CP maps, bar Dustbowl, empty out quickly but perhaps it's because the existing 5-point CP severs of 5Gorge and Badlands are stuck on one map constantly? I find that if you give players more variety, they can play on the server for awhile. Yes, Valve Maps does play some Control Points maps but not many players have the time to be checking Valve Maps constantly to see if there is a CP map they like currently being played or to stay on Valve Maps to nominate a CP map every hour until they get one.

I don't have anything against Dustbowl, I like it just as much as the next person and understand that you can't change such a popular server, but perhaps an emptier server such as Badwater EU3 or Goldrush EU2 could be changed to a Control Points rotation server? Also, the problem with a new server is it takes awhile to fill up because not many people are aware of it. For instance, when DeGroot+ EU moved IP address, it never really filled up past the 24 player count for at least a month so immediate results can't be expected.


I understand that CP maps, bar Dustbowl, empty out quickly but perhaps it's because the existing 5-point CP severs of 5Gorge and Badlands are stuck on one map constantly? I find that if you give players more variety, they can play on the server for awhile. Yes, Valve Maps does play some Control Points maps but not many players have the time to be checking Valve Maps constantly to see if there is a CP map they like currently being played or to stay on Valve Maps to nominate a CP map every hour until they get one.

I don't have anything against Dustbowl, I like it just as much as the next person and understand that you can't change such a popular server, but perhaps an emptier server such as Badwater EU3 or Goldrush EU2 could be changed to a Control Points rotation server? Also, the problem with a new server is it takes awhile to fill up because not many people are aware of it. For instance, when DeGroot+ EU moved IP address, it never really filled up past the 24 player count for at least a month so immediate results can't be expected.

I never said 5Gorge emptied out quickly.

Control Points was the emptiest server we had even when we didn't change IPs for a long time.


Gore-Spattered Heavy
There are nineteen Control Points maps: ten standard CP and 9 Attack/Defend maps; Skial offers EU servers for 6 of these maps (Dustbowl, DeGroot Keep, Egypt, Gravel Pit, 5Gorge and Badlands - although we probably can agree that DeGroot isn't really a "proper" game mode). I feel that Control Points is under-represented in the range of servers that Skial offers.

I understand that Control Points EU was empty before, but I've noticed there is more traffic on Skial servers as I have to auto-retry for a player slot more often nowadays and most Skial servers (which occupy about 90% of my favourites) are often full from about nine in the morning until midnight (well, the EU ones at least). Perhaps if you gave Control Points rotation another try and converted an emptier server into a CP server? If you utilised an emptier server, it wouldn't be much of a player traffic loss.


Totally Ordinary Human
I would have to agree with the idea that Control Point Maps are under valued on Skial servers. I have the same problem as SuddenlyStarMia in having to wait to join a game when i see a good CP map on Valve Maps 1 or 2(EU), also, when i do get onto the server, i find that i would only get 30/45mins left roughly on the map before it changes.
I personally love Dustbowl, so please don't take this as a slate against certain maps. But i do think having 3 Standard and 1 Plus server is a bit excessive. I personally wait the simple 5/6 minutes to get onto the Dustbowl+ EU server as it is my favourite.

If i (and undoubtedly other people) have to wait to get onto a server to only play 45mins of a CP map, why couldn't other people simply wait a few minutes to join one of the numerous Dustbowl/2Fort/Badwater/Goldrush dedicated servers?