
Truly Feared Pyro
Map link: Dr_Nighttown_v1_3


This map used to be on Skial a long time ago, but due to the map crashing the server it was removed. But I've been working a long time on a way to make this map playable, without making too much visual difference in the map. To get to the point, the map used to use about 1560 edicts, and that wasn't even a full server. Now, without anyone in the game it uses 855 edicts without people in the server. To give you a reference, the map dr_lazytown_xmas uses 950 edicts when there is nobody in the server. I believe that this map has a lot of potential to be a good map, so I think that all the effort I did on optimizing this map was all worth it. This map gets played a lot on other servers and I believe that it would be the same case if Skial also had this map on their rotation. I'm really certain that we can bring back dr_nighttown without any issues.

I understand that there has been an attempt before to add this map back to the rotation, but then they did not provide any solutions to the problems on this map. Now there is a solution provided.

But how am I so sure that this map can't crash the server anymore? I've done some intensive testing on my own server. I've spawned 31 bots, and used the bot_mirror all command to make the bots wear my cosmetics. I was wearing full cosmetic slots + a contracker, and the server did not have primary / secondary weapons restricted. The server never crashed when I had bot_mirror all typed. But to make it more interesting, I've ran bot_mirror all twice. And the server still didn't crash. Then I typed it a third time and it didn't crash immediately but when I entered the boss fight it did. But it's important to know that typing bot_mirror all 3x makes all bots wear full cosmetic slots 3x and no server will ever have that many cosmetics worn.

I've also fixed many bugs in this map that contribute a lot to making this map more playable. Here is the list of bug & exploit fixes:
  • Fixed overlapping music.
  • (potentially) Fixed the sound bug that makes you have to type snd_restart.
  • (somehow) Fixed not being able to use the spy voice on other players.
  • Fixed the boss fight not hiding cosmetics.
  • Fixed the boss fight not hiding weapons.
  • Boss fight now also hides contracker, and other action slot items.
  • Boss fight takes away your flame thrower now.
  • Replaced the act system to something way better. (Triggerless)
  • Added late spawn measures at the boss fight. This is especially done because late spawners can ruin the act 1 boss fight. Note: You can still late spawn within the first 5 seconds of the boss fight.
  • Fixed a bug that makes color correction get stuck on your screen.
  • The moon color is now synchronized with the bonus mode fog color.
  • Made the bonus mode fog a bit more more dense.
  • Added a third act.
  • Removed the timed boss locking, looking for a more fair solution.

I've sent the required files privately to the server owner, to apply the changes to the map.
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