
Gore-Spattered Heavy
I made this.
To use it just copy the indented text and paste it into something like converter.bat. If you don't know how to make a file called converter.bat it's literally creating a text file then renaming it.
Remember to change YOUR_DIR_HERE or it wont work (I mean it will, but not correctly).

Also, you need to have ffmpeg installed on your computer. You can download ffmpeg here.

@echo off
color 03

rem >>Replace YOUR_DIR_HERE with the directory that OBS outputs the flv files to.<<
set workingDir=YOUR_DIR_HERE
rem >>[EXAMPLE] C:\Users\Me\Videos<<

cd %workingDir%
echo Working directory is now %cd%.
echo Press any key to start the conversion...
pause > nul
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /od') do set newest=%%a
echo f| xcopy "%newest%" %cd%\input.flv
ffmpeg -i input.flv -c copy -copyts output.mp4
del input.flv

- This bad excuse for a program works by converting the lat-updated file in your selected folder, meaning you don't want to rename any other files before converting, or else it will convert the wrong file.
- I recommend setting OBS to output files as .flv because they take up less space and generally make the actual recording process uses less of your computer's cpu.
- You can modify this as you please, I don't care.
- Don't even bother giving me credit for the original if you do, it's a waste of time.

- Fixed xcopy being set to copy input.flv from only the videos folder. Whoops.
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Gaben's Own Aimbot
what's the incentive to record as .flv and convert later if the performance hit in recording as .mp4 isn't noticeable


Gore-Spattered Heavy
what's the incentive to record as .flv and convert later if the performance hit in recording as .mp4 isn't noticeable
If you record a lot it saves space. And I don't have too much of it left, so I thought it'd be cool to make this to make people who have the same problem's lives easier.