
Are there any decent payload servers?
I can't seem to find a decent payload server, even though payload has always seemed to be the way TF2 was meant to be played. Most of the servers I find rarely have anyone on, except in peak hours. Those that have consistently high playercounts have annoying things that make me leave.

* Skial: I've read these servers are really good, but the only ones that have players on them consistently is 24/7 Hightower and Harvest (which get old really fast).
* LotusClan: Apparently they use fake bots (which is not my experience, all the bots are labeled as bots), but their player counts have dropped a ton, and even when people are online, 24/7 Upward can get a little boring after a while.
* Top Notch: This server has a great community, lots of teamwork and very competent players, but they're server always has *too many* players. This wouldn't be much of a problem except that they have VIP reserved slot kick, so whenever I start having a fun game I find myself kicked off so a donor can join.
* Valve Servers: As a medic main, these servers disgust me. Everyone there is either brand new to the game, or is just there to pubstomp and be a total dick to the people they're stomping. Also, too much Gold Rush (worst payload map in the game). I just can't play Valve servers anymore.

Anybody know of any good payload servers on the west coast that have high playercounts?

Author: sealedinterface