• If you are not the person that was banned/muted, you are only allowed to post evidence. Trash talk is unnecessary.


Positively Inhumane Poster
Link to your ban or your com block:
Why should you be unbanned or unblocked?:
I was spectating a guy called "plu the gamer" for about 15 minutes, he also got reported and other people agreed that he was cheating but nothing could be done due to him probably using a low FOV aimbot. https://www.skial.com/threads/2fort-eu-plu-the-gamer-aimbot.82461/

He was playing Sniper and hitting a shit ton of headshots, including the fact that he started acting like a troll when I decided to call him out for it.

I couldn't achieve anything because he changed class and went Engineer and basically did nothing and even said in-chat, "are you spectating me tony???" and his friends were also insulting me for it.

I then left and went on Turbine, play for about 5 minutes and I get this message appear on screen saying "Appeal at Skial". So here I am.

My friend told me that being in spectate for too long can cause this ban, yet he told me that a warning should appear on my screen, is this true? I don't cheat at all, and I've met so many lovely people who I talk too on 2-Fort. Can I please be unbanned.​
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Positively Inhumane Poster
I simply wish to be unbanned so that I can continue having a laugh and enjoy more good times that I have within your servers, I've met so many lovely souls. I wouldn't want to not be able to join the same servers again. Hand my on heart I didn't cheat and all I was trying to do in the situation was try and get this cheater banned.
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