
Scarcely Lethal Noob
From 15:00 PM CEST To 17:00 PM CEST Almost every day
Link to your Stats Page:
Playing Time:
I have spent around 93 hours playing on your server, which I spent 6 hours AFK
Will you get mad if you lose admin?:
I will not get mad if I lose admin, because I know that there must be a good reason for my ban.
How do you ban yourself using your own SteamID?:
/sm_ban STEAM_0:1:102996463 30 "obvious aimbot"
Any other reason you should be admin:
I am capable of recording demos, and i record every match.
I will not unfairly ban, mute, silence, gag or kick innocent players without evidence
I will not be mad if my admin rights are removed, I will understand that the person removed it has a valid reason for the removal.​


Legendary Mapper
200 hours is the minimum

Very low effort, not much thought and effort placed into applying for a position that should not be taken lightly


Feral Angel

No you’re app hasn’t been denied like you said in you’re chatlog.
Care to explain this?

2FORT+ | EU 01/24/2019 - 11:47:07 AM mishyboi AFK kill all the turks
2FORT+ | EU 01/24/2019 - 11:47:02 AM mishyboi AFK enthnic cleaning required

2FORT+ | EU 01/20/2019 - 08:51:58 AM mishyboi AFK dumb nigger

You don’t seem to really have a reason to be admin, just want to for no reason:
2FORT+ | EU 01/24/2019 - 11:06:07 AM mishyboi AFK im signing up for admin for some reason

Also also have this:

Now it’s denied, have a nice day