
Mildly Menacing Medic
Impersonator and Active Scammer.

Player Name:



2FORT | EU 1 | Fast

Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
Hello sir/ma'am


Middlemans ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GummyOfficial

Please check this Account. his a Scammer he Scam my Friend. His a middleman. His not a Steamrep Middleman Reddit Nor Russian Guarantor's. His an impersonator. And His active in Scamming. Please take Action of my report. Asap. Thank you.


Australian Skial God
Who exactly is he impersonating again? He isn't impersonating any Steamrep middleman nor has he labelled himself as one. If he scammed you friend, we need the following from your friend:
  • Steam chat screenshots of the entire trade progress
  • Unedited screenshots of the victim's trade history (victim may blur out steam login name located near the current Steam wallet funds) displaying that the middleman failed to do their job.
  • Anything else the victim may deem as evidence towards speeding up / assisting the process of justification against the middleman
Furthermore, this is a scam report, please post it in the appropriate section next time.


Mildly Menacing Medic
My friend just delete the Chat message and the trade progress with the middleman. his new in trading. Selling items to players. we dont have enough evidence. about the middlaman, but as you can see in his Profile that is one Provided evidence. please take action on this. thank you so much sir/ma'am.


Australian Skial God
What evidence does the account hold? He's offering to middleman, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Since you don't have the chat, there's nothing we can do.