
  1. Godzilla fan for life

    Question for Admins regarding Idle server and perks of donating

    So over the past couple of days I have played on the Bottiger's 24/7 Idle Trade server and have ran into something that I think should either be changed, removed, or fixed that has really annoyed me. That is the donation perks you get, which are specifically the speed (have scout speed for every...
  2. Gamer4605

    Need Help Add an automode button in neonoir or remove the “auto automode” for being afk

    In this map as hale I have actually resorted to purposely not moving in spawn so automode activates so it kills everyone and I just sit there. I don’t feel like this is right. The 2 options are to remove the auto automode and just let the anti afk system do the job Or add an automode button. Tbh...
  3. dope

    Need Help Change Skial FF2 model hitboxes.

    Over the course of 2 years of my time playing on Skial FF2 I have noticed that some of the hit boxes are very broken. A perfect example of this issue would be Hatsune miku, and Mario. These two models in particular don't fit their actual hitboxes. Mario; Mario's model is way too big for his hit...