Recent content by i offclass in ultido

  1. i offclass in ultido

    Invalid Appeal: i offclass in ultido

    Is there even a way to successfully appeal here? I'd assume there would be if appealing is an available option but it doesn't seem possible at this point. If there is any form of evidence that would change your mind I will try and provide it (ex. agreement to my story from others that were...
  2. i offclass in ultido

    Invalid Appeal: i offclass in ultido

    I changed my story because I searched the IPs in the banlist and actually saw who was first I was just speculating. So since someone cheated on school wifi everyone else is punished? How was I supposed to control that and/or how am I at fault for it?
  3. i offclass in ultido

    Invalid Appeal: i offclass in ultido

    Actually, I was wrong. The original ban was my friend. He was on an alt trolling in servers. The second was my brother, who aimbots also but that is besides the point. They may have been botting/playing together judging by the time margin between bans. I was the...
  4. i offclass in ultido

    Invalid Appeal: i offclass in ultido

    I don't think I would have asked why I was banned if I knew I was aimbotting. An IP ban bans anyone connected to the same Wi-Fi network, correct? So, by my logic, it may have been my little brother that got me banned. The only alt I have has 0 hours in TF2, so I am confident I wasn't the one...
  5. i offclass in ultido

    Invalid Appeal: i offclass in ultido

    Link to your ban or your com block:[U:1:328628827]&advType=steamid&Submit Why should you be unbanned or unblocked?: Reason LINKED: New STEAMID from banned IP For starters, I'd just like to know why I was banned.